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Medical Case Study

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Clinical Case Studies
Grand Rounds

Normal adult female – Case 1


This PA (posterior-anterior) radiograph of a normal female shows symmetric soft tissue breast shadows and the stomach bubble under the left hemidiaphragm. The right hemidiaphragm is generally slightly higher than the left, being pushed upward by the presence of the liver.


Normal female 1
This PA (posterior-anterior) radiograph of a normal female shows symmetric soft tissue breast shadows and the stomach bubble under the left hemidiaphragm. The right hemidiaphragm is generally slightly higher than the left, being pushed upward by the presence of the liver. Methodical examination of the x-ray includes examining the soft tissues and bony structures. Note that the ladder-like horizontal configuration of the posterior ribs tends to dominate the visual structure while the anterior ribs are fainter and appear to cross the posterior shadows and angle upward.

The V-shaped position of the clavicles indicates that the patient is positioned with the shoulders and arms elevated. The central densities in the mediastinum show the dark vertical tube of the trachea with projections of the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebra seen through the tracheal air column. The bifurcation of the trachea into the left and right mainstem bronchi occur at the carina which is located at the lower portion of the aortic knob. The left mainstem bronchus angulates somewhat more horizontally than the vertically right mainstem bronchus. The horizontal width of the heart normally occupies less than one half of the width of the overall thorax and the vertical line that descends from the aortic knob is created by the posterior descending aorta. The hilar vascular markings are composed of the vertically oriented pulmonary artery subdivisions while the more horizontally oriented vascular structures represent the pulmonary veins directed toward the left atrium. Small air-containing elipses within the hilae are smaller bronchi seen end on. Click the Nuclear ERNA (equilibrium radionuclide angiogram) to view the dynamic contraction of the ventricle filled with radioactive blood pool using the agent technetium-99m. The nuclear study allows calculation of the left ventricular ejection fraction which is an index of ventricular function normally above 65%.

Cardiac findings, normal heart size

Normal heart size
The cardiac silhouette is the most prominent central feature of the chest x-ray and it produces a familiar gourd shape with the apex of the left ventricle located just behind the left chest nipple. The inferior left ventricle wall lies on the left diaphragm and the superior base of the heart shows the aortic knob lying just to the left of the spine. A linear line descending from it, lying to the left of the spine, represents the lateral edge of the descending aorta. A normal cardiac silhouette is defined by the lower cross diameter of the heart from its right atrial boundary to the left ventricle apex occupying no more than one half the internal thoracic diameter. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) at its junction with the left main pulmonary artery is concave. Note that the right hemidiaphragm is higher than the left because of the presence of the liver and not due to the weight of the heart since the same relationship occurs with dextrocardia.

Image finding: Forced expiration


Forced expiration film
Findings of apparent cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion must be viewed in the light of possibility of a poor inspiratory effort. This is determined by noting the level of the diaphragm relative to the posterior ribs. With the high diaphragms characteristic of a forced expiration, it is natural that pulmonary vascular markings will be more crowded and may give the appearance of congestion but the lungs will lack Kerley B lines or bronchial cuffing. The heart lies more horizontal and thus may appear enlarged. This situation commonly occurs in anteroposterior (AP) films common in Emergency Rooms.

This radiograph demonstrates the effect of a forced expiration on the density and vascular pattern of the lung fields. With much of the air forced from the lungs, the diaphragms are higher and vascular pattern much more crowded and thus appearing more dense than normal. The heart becomes more horizontal and therefore appears larger than normal. Without considering the effect of this expiratory effort it is possible to confuse this image with congestive failure and cardiomegaly. Click the button to view the same patient properly imaged in inspiration. The striking change in lung opacity and heart size could make one aware of the importance of careful radiographic technique.

Image finding: Enlarged heart


Enlarged heart size
When the horizontal diameter of the lower cardiac silhouette well exceeds one half of the internal diameter of the thorax, cardiomegaly is diagnosed. It is wise to assess the depth of the inspiration by noting whether the diaphragm lies lower than the ninth or tenth rib posteriorly as it should if there is an adequate inspiratory effort. Cardiomegaly may result from enlargement of the cardiac chambers but also from fluid accumulating in the pericardium. Further evaluation includes observation of the pulmonary vasculature and assessment of possible pulmonary vascular congestion which would be most consistent with cardiac failure. Assessment of left ventricular function and pericardial contents can be easily defined by echocardiography.

Image finding: Value of lateral views

The value of the lateral view
The PA (postero-anterior) radiograph at first appears to provide reassuring evidence that the tip of the pacemaker lies in the right ventricular apex. The slightly thickened metal tip of the pacemaker is seen just lateral to the border of the descending aorta near the diaphragm. The value of a lateral radiograph is best exemplified (click the "Lateral X-ray"button located on the right side of the main screen) when the course of the pacemaker wire is followed inferior and is found to lie well posterior to the expected position of the right ventricular cavity. The only course which this wire can occupy is if the tip of the catheter lies within the coronary sinus which is entered in the right atrium just proximal to the tricuspid valve and is the major draining coronary vein in the atrio-ventricular groove emptying into the lower right atrium. The pacer wire would have to be withdrawn and placed properly at the right ventricular apex.

Image finding: Pacemaker placement


The position of the normal pacemaker takes a characteristic course when examined on both anterior and lateral views. On the anterior view the tip of the pacer should be visible just to the left of the spine but not all the way to the apex of the left ventricle at the cardiac border.

The lateral film should show the tip in the cardiac silhouette anteriorly rather than posteriorly in the lower part of the heart.

Image finding: Loss of cardiac border


Loss of cardiac border
Pneumonic infiltration of the lingula increases the density lung immediately adjacent to the left cardiac border. The presence of two areas of similar soft tissue density results in a loss of the conventional sharp boundary to the heart. The radiographic appearance of a sharp boundary at the left cardiac border would still be present if the lung density were located posterior to the heart, say in the left lower lobe. Loss of cardiac border on the left implicates the adjacent lung segment which is the lingula and loss of the border on the right would implicate the right middle lobe. Thus the finding allows for a certain degree of segment specificity in determining which area of the lung is involved.

Coronary stenosis


This case exemplifies an acute occlusion of the right coronary artery - click the "Pre angiogram" button. After thrombolysis of the clot, the proximal obstruction was dilated by balloon angioplasty - click on "Post angiogram". Though flow was restored to the coronary, a discrete moderate stenosis is still present in mid-coronary. It was subsequently successfully dilated by balloon angioplasty.

Coronary clot


Sequential right coronary artery (RCA) angiograms ("1", "2" and "3") showing diagnosis and treatment of a patient whose acute coronary syndrome was caused by a clot at the site of a high - grade stenosis in the proximal right coronary. Angio "1" shows the clot as a void in the contrast. Angio "2" shows balloon angioplasty of the stenosis. Angio "3" shows placement of an intra-coronary stent with complete restoration of lumen patency and flow.

Image finding: Normal chest PA film

Normal lungs
Findings to be observed in normal lungs include vascular markings composed primarily of the vertically oriented pulmonary artery segments and the horizontally directed pulmonary veins toward the left atrium. The gradual decrease in size of the vessels as they branch peripherally should be noted. Close to the hilar structures the smaller bronchials seen as thin walled darker circles. Edematous thickening of these bronchial walls are one of the earliest findings of congestive failure.

The normal hilum
Findings related to the hila include the observation of the general progressive branching pattern that can be expected from the pulmonary arteries, a concave right ventricular outflow tract segment, and absence of any elipsoidal densities that might represent hilar adenopathy. Other observations that can be made if the hila are enlarged include noting rapid tapering in cases of pulmonary hypertension or localized truncation of part of the pulmonary artery segment as can occur with some larger pulmonary emboli.

mage finding: Normal chest PA film, case 2

Erect posterior-anterior ("PA") chest radiograph
PA images commonly show significant differences from AP (antero-posterior) films particularly in relation to the proportional size of the mediastinum. The PA position places the heart and upper mediastinum closer to the film with greater distance to the exposing Xray tube (generally 72 inches) making the Xrays more parallel as they enter the body and avoiding disproportional enlargement of anterior vs. posterior structures.

The effects of gravity have visible effects on the pulmonary vasculature since the pulmonary artery pressures are low (~25 mm Hg. in systole and ~12 mm Hg. in diastole) and the vessel walls are soft and compliant. The upper lung arterial vessels in upright posture, being well above cardiac chamber level, are usually much less prominent than the lower lobe vessels which are at or below cardiac chamber level.

An indication of elevated pulmonary artery pressure during cardiac congestive failure is a visible shift of blood with a filling out of the upper lobe vessels on the upright frontal film which indicates a generalized increase in the central pulmonary artery pressure.

Image finding: Normal supine chest film

Anterior-posterior supine radiograph
On a supine frontal Xray of the chest there are significant differences in the appearance of normal pulmonary vasculature and mediastinum. The closer distance of the exposing Xray tube (often only 40 inches from the film cassette) makes the Xrays more diverging and disproportionally enlarges the appearance of structures that are farther from the film (the anterior body structures such as the ascending aorta).
Although the pulmonary artery pressures are low (~25 mm Hg. in systole and ~12 mm Hg. in diastole) and the vessel walls are soft and compliant, the upper lung arterial vessels and the lower lobe vessels are now at the same level as the cardiac chambers. Thus the supine film can be expected to show upper pulmonary artery vessels as equally prominent to those in the lower lung, a finding that differs significantly from upright posture but should not be confused with congestive failure.

Pulmonary angiogram, arterial

Glossary Close

Arterial angiogram
Angiograms are created by injecting an iodine solution into the bloodstream. Iodine was chosen because it is a high atomic weight material which differentially attenuates x-rays but is nonetheless well tolerated by the body (it is mostly excreted in the urine). When a catheter is threaded into the pulmonary artery and an iodinated solution ejected from its tip, the pulmonary arteries are quickly first opacified showing a relatively vertically oriented branching pattern, originating at the hilum. Normal arteries progressively reduce in diameter after multiple branches.

Using a catheter inserted by an intravenous route through the right atrium and ventricle and then upward into the main pulmonary artery, 40 cc. of iodinated contrast fluid is injected to opacify the pulmonary arteries bilaterally. Note the vertical orientation of the major vessels and how they branch and gradually taper.

Pulmonary angiogram, venous

Glossary Close

Venous angiogram
An angiogram is created by injecting an iodine solution into the bloodstream of the pulmonary artery through a catheter. The pulmonary arteries are first opacified, then as the iodine solution collects in the pulmonary venous structures (now, of course containing oxygenated blood having passed through the lung alveoli), the anatomy of these veins is revealed. The pulmonary veins lie somewhat more horizontal than the arteries and coalesce centrally toward the left atrium.

Using a catheter inserted by an intravenous route through the right atrium and ventricle and then upward into the main pulmonary artery, 40 cc. of iodinated contrast fluid is injected. The opacification first fills the pulmonary arteries bilaterally but over the next few seconds washes into and opacifies the pulmonary venous tree. Note that compared to the vertical orientation of the arteries, the venous drainage is more horizontal gathering toward the left atrium.

Yale University
Cardiothoracic Imaging
Contents Anatomy Techniques Findings Cases References


Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media

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Medical Editor
C. Carl Jaffe, MD, FACC
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Section of
Cardiovascular Medicine

Site producer
Patrick J. Lynch, MS
Design Director
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Information Technology
Services - Medicine

Production credits

John A. Paton, PhD
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Director of Academic Computing
Information Technology
Services - Medicine

Michael Ezekowitz, MD
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Section of
Cardiovascular Medicine

Frans J, Th. Wackers, MD
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Cardiovascular Medicine

Development of this site was partially funded by an IAIMS Grant (LM05583) from the National Library of Medicine.

Anatomy Imaging technology
Atlas of Echocardiography

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Image Findings

Cardiac findings
Lung imaging
Soft tissues
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Copyright 2004, Yale University School of Medicine. All rights reserved.
December 18, 2004 (PL)
version b.003

Yale University
Cardiothoracic Imaging
Contents Anatomy Techniques Findings Cases References


Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media

Medical Editor
C. Carl Jaffe, MD, FACC
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Section of
Cardiovascular Medicine

Site producer
Patrick J. Lynch, MS
Design Director
Web Design and Development
Information Technology
Services - Medicine

Production credits

John A. Paton, PhD
Principal Investigator, IAIMS
Director of Academic Computing
Information Technology
Services - Medicine

Michael Ezekowitz, MD
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Section of
Cardiovascular Medicine

Frans J, Th. Wackers, MD
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Section of
Cardiovascular Medicine

Development of this site was partially funded by an IAIMS Grant (LM05583) from the National Library of Medicine.

Case Index

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Cardiovascular system
Cases in Cardiothoracic Imaging , and some Congenital Heart Disease cases - Yale Univ./School of Medicine (US)
A collection of Cases-of-the-Month [subscription required for some of them] from the American College of Cardiology
Case(s) of the Month - American Society of Nuclear Cardiology
ECG Rounds -
Auscultation Assistant [C Cable] - UCLA
Clinical Cases from the files of West Suburban Cardiologists, Chicago (US)
CT Learning Cases from the Internet Stroke Center
Clinical Cases from the CardioThoracic Surgery Network
Surgery Grand Rounds - Univ of Arizona HSC (US)
Some Case studies in Valvular Diseases - Howard Gilman Institute (US)
Case Studies - UMass Medical School and The American Stroke Association
EKG Case Studies - McGill University (CA)
Case studies from Interventional and Vascular Medicine Forum [free registration required]
(Three) Interesting Clinical Case Studies Involving Secondary Causes of Hypertension [JA Diamond] - Mt Sinai J of Medicine, Oct 2002
A cyanotic baby ... [E Fontenot] - Univ of Utah (US)
Measuring blood pressure - Univ of Aberdeen (UK)

Global Dermatology Grand Rounds
Educational Cases in Dermatology - Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre/Dermatology
Some Cases in Dermatology [A Sleiman] - Univ of Beirut (LB)
Dermatology: case-of-the-month - Washington Univ, School of Med., Dermatology (US)
Cases in Dermatopathology [scroll down a bit; WS Weems]
The Dermatology Photo Library at
Archived Clinical Cases at Virtual Grand Rounds in Dermatology
Diagnosis at a glance - Emergency Medicine [journal]
Case studies in Wound Healing (Proxiderm) - Progressive Surgical Products, N.Y. (US)

Emergency Medicine
Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Neonatology [Yamamoto et al.] - Univ of Hawaii (US)
Teaching files in Pediatrics - Univ Hospitals Cleveland/Dept Radiology
Pediatrics Grand Rounds - Univ of Arizona HSC (US)
Emergency Cases - Rhode Island Hospital
Emergency Body CT, and an Introduction to Head CT - Univ of Virginia (US)
Casos Dermatologia [in Spanish] - MedSpain
Some Case presentations in Emergency Medicine - Univ of Virginia/HealthSystem (US)
Cases in Emergency Medicine and ECG Rounds -

Case Studies in Endocrinology - Tulane Univ. (US)
Dr. Carrington's CPC cases [requires Internet Explorer] - Virginia Commonwealth Univ./Endocrine Pathol. Lab.
The Diabetic Foot: Complications [Learch and Gentili]
Cases in Diabetes - World CME
A collection of Case of the Month presentations from Thyroid Manager
Clinical cases in Endocrinology - Clinical Cases and Images
Some Sample case cases in Endocrinology - Endocrine Fellos Foundation
A couple of Case studies in Endocrinology at Core Endocrine Lab., Penn State Univ. (US)

Cases in Gastroenterology - Baylor College of Medicine
Open for Discussion - Canandian Association of Gastroenterology
Cases in Abdominal Radiology - McGill Univ., Students Project (CA)
Some Case studies in Gastrointestinal Disorders - Univ of Minnesota (US)

Instructional Cases in Hematology - McMaster Univ., Ontario (CA)
Teaching Cases in Hematology - American Soc of Hematology
Case Studies in Hematography - Univ of Minnesota (US)
Some Case Reports at
Anemia Quiz Studies , and the Answers - Queens Univ./Hematol-Oncol (CA)
Imagerie en Hematologie [in French] - Univ of Rennes (FR)
Lymphedema Case Studies - Peninsula Medical, Inc.
A few Clinical Case Studies - Atlas of Hematology, Gdansk (PL)

Online Guide to Neurological Examination [H Blumenfeld]
Grand Rounds from the Massachusetts Gen Hosp./Neurosurgical Service (US)
Neurosurgery Grand Rounds - Louisiana State Univ. (US)
A collection of Cases of the Month - Brain Pathology Journal
Case studies in Neuropathology - Univ of Medical Sciences, Poznan (PL)
Case summaries in Clinical Neurology - Univ of Utah (US)
Some Neuropathology Biopsy Cases - Univ of N. Carolina/Chapel Hill (US)
A Case Workbook in Medical Neuroanatomy - Univ of New England (US)
The JHess Collection - UCSD (US)
A collection of Case Studies in Neurology from Athena Diagnostics Lab.
Interesting Cases in Neuroradiology - Univ of California/SF (US)
Case of the Month [incl an archive] - Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Cases in Neuroradiology - (Univ of) Iowa Neuroradiology Library (US)
A list of Neuroradiology Teaching File Cases - University of Colorado (US)
A collection of Interactive Case in Neurology - Univ of Utah (US)
Case discussions from the Neuro Rounds at Medi-Fax (CA)
A Case-of-the-Month collection at Baylor College of Medicine/Neurology (US)
Pathway Quizzes in Neuroanatomy - Knowledge Weavers, Utah (US)
Cases in Neurology/Neurosurgery from Johns Hopkins, via Medscape [free registration required]
A Clinical Case Study Guide for CNS [D Oliver] - Univ of Connecticut HC (US)
Clinical Cases in Neuroscience - Indiana University (US)

Medical Gross Anatomy: List of Practical and Written Quizzes by Session - Univ of Michigan (US)
The Case archive at American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Discussions of Interesting Spine Cases - Spine-Surgery
Upper and Lower Extremity Cases [G Schmale] from the School of Medicine, Univ of Washington (US)
Interesting MRI Cases (shoulder, knee) [J Hunter] - Univ of Washington/Dept of Radiology
Physical Examination of the Shoulder [M Stein] - McGill Univ. (CA)
Clinical Cases in Gait Analysis [C Kirtley] - (AT)
Clinical Case Presentations from Alfred I duPont Institute
Case examples in Orthopedic Surgery - International Center for Limb Lengthening, Sinai Hosp. (US)
Interesting orthopedic ultrasound and teaching file cases - Hospital for Special Surgery, N.Y. (US)
Cases in Rheumatology - American College of Rheumatology
A collection of Illustrated Case Studies in Rheumatology - MedNet HELLAS (GR)
Some Patient Cases from Orthospine
Clinical Case descriptions [M Saleh] - (UK)
Orthopaedic Pathology Cases [presentations + discussions] - Univ of Florida (US)
A collection of Teaching Cases in Nuclear Medicine - Harvard Med School/JPNM, including Bone Scintigraphy Cases [Parker and Holman] and some interesting images/cases

Pediatrics [D and M D'Alessandro] - Univ of Iowa (US)
Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Neonatology [Yamamoto et al.] - Univ of Hawaii (US)
Case based Pediatrics for Medical Students and Residents - Univ of Hawaii, JA Burns School of Medicine
Case-of-the-Month collection at
Case studies in Pediatrics -
Case studies for download - Bright Futures Center
Case studies from the Interactive Pathology Laboratory, IPLAB
Pediatric Grand Rounds at the Medical Center, Univ of Nebraska (US)
Some teaching files with Cases in Paeditric Radiology - CUHK (HK)
Grand Rounds Online - Dept of Pediatrics, Univ of Florida (US)
Cases in Pediatric Pathology - Swiss Pediatric Pathology Group (CH)
The Virtual Pediatric Patients [D'Allesandro and Takle] and some case presentations in Pediatric Thoracic Medicine - Virtual Pediatric Hospital
A collection of Case studies in Pediatrics - MedNet, HELLAS (GR)
Genetics Case Studies - Telegenetics
A collection of Case studies in Cytogenetics - Univ of Wisconsin (US)
A Pediatric Picture Atlas for Parents - Rainbow Pediatrics

Medical Simulations - Interactive Case Studies - InterMed Press
A sorted collection of Cases, with images , - from
Clinical Cases and Images [Dimov ?]
An interdisciplinary collection of Clinical Cases - The Virtual Health Care Team/Univ of Missouri (US)
Articles Menu of Grand Rounds [journal, free access] - e-MED Ltd. (UK)
The LANGE Case files - AccessMedicine/McGraw-Hill
Some Medicine Related Case Studies - State Univ N.Y., Buffalo (US)
Case Studies from
Online Case Studies and Clinical Quizzes from the American Acad of Family Physicians
Medical Grand Rounds - PPT presentations from the Gardiner Library, John Hunter Hospital, NSW (AU)
Clinical Grand Rounds from the NIH Clinical Center (US)
Imaging Cases of the Week - Doctor T
Some Sample Cases from World CME
An example of a Case report in Family Medicine - KECK School of Medicine of USC (US)
Cases in Environmental Medicine - Univ of Utah (US)
Cases in Environmental Medicine - ATSDR/CDC (US)
Cases in Family Medicine [Undergraduate Medical Educ.] - Penn State Univ. (US)
Case Studies in Medicine [links] - Case Studies in Science, State Univ of N.Y. Buffalo (US)
A collection of Case Studies - by Subject [compiled by Fung and Sawh]
A set of Medicine Case Discussions from LUMEN, Loyola Univ. (US)
Medicine Grand Rounds - Univ of Arizona HSC (US)
Make Your Diagnosis , and Casos Clinicos [partly in Portuguese, partly in English] - MedStudents (BR)
Various Clinical Cases (use Clinical Cases pull-down menu at top of page) [Lima and Coico] - Sophie Davis School/City Univ of New York (US)
Cases from eMedicine
Clinical Decision Cases [interactive CME] - The Cleveland Clinic (US)
Interactive Case Studies - MedCases Inc. [multimedia medical education]
Grand Rounds - Dept of Medicine, Emory Univ. (US)
Medical Grand Rounds Webcasts , archived events - Univ of Miami, Dept of Medicine (US)
A Collection of Illustrated Case studies from MedNet, HELLAS (GR)
Some E-learning modules [free, but only for professionals] from Medcyclopaedia, GE Medical Systems
Grand Rounds Archive blogs - undisclosed
Case studies AJ Chandrasekhar] - Loyola Univ Medical Center (US)
Virtual Grand Rounds/Lectures [multimedia] - Drexel Univ., College of Medicine (US)
A collection of Clinical Center Grand Rounds [multimedia] - NIH Video Casting (US)
Case Histories in Human Physiology [Van Wynsberghe and Cooley] - Univ of Wisconsin (US)
Medicine Grand Rounds/Lectures [multimedia] - Univ of Arizona (US)
Case Health: Health Success Stories

Dentistry and Oral Health
Cases i Oral Pathology - UCSF (US)
Clinical Cases [in Spanish and/or English; C Boveda, and others]
Clinical Cases in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (US)
A Case of the Month collection - Univ of Washington/School of Dentistry (US)
Case Studies in Dental Hygiene - USC (US)
Real-Life Cases in Dental Hygiene [AM Nieves]
Clinical Cases [KA Galil] - School of Dentistry, Univ of W Ontario (CA)
Clinical Cases in Orthodontics [CB Pereira] - (BR)

Eye, ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat) and Respiratory System
Clinical Cases in Ophthalmology , and a collection of Knowledge Reviews - DJO/Harvard (US)
Digital Grand Rounds - SECO Int'l and CIBA Vision
Neuro-Optometric Clinical Cases - NORA/Padula Clinical Center
RED (recognizing eye diseases) Atlas
Video Case Reports - BJO/BMJ (UK)
Refractive Surgery Grand Rounds - Refractive Source
Ophthalmology Case index -
Case of the Week collection at The New England Eye Center (US)
Case index at EyeRounds, Univ of Iowa (US)
Case reports from Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (US)
A Collection of Cases from the Pediatric and Adult Strabismus Resource, McGill Univ. (CA)
Case-of-the-Month - Univ of Wisconsin-Madison/Dept Ophthalmology and Vision Sci (US)
Virtual Eye Clinic [A Field] - American Acad of Optometry/British Chapter
Cases in Clinical Grand Rounds -
Some Case Reviews from Digital Reference of Ophthalmology/ES Harkness Eye Institute
Retina Case-of-the-Month - Vitreous-Retina-Macula Consultants, N.Y. (US)
Young woman with a red irritated eye and A 54 year-old man needs reading glasses - School of Optometry, Indiana Univ. (US)
Case histories in Voice Medicine [JP Thomas]
Grand Rounds at Univ of Texas/Dept of Otolaryngology (US)
Grand Rounds Archive at the Bobby R Alford Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Science/Baylor College (US)
Grand Rounds Archive: Pediatric Otolaryngology - Bobby R Alford Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Clinical Otolaryngology OnLine - AAO/Head and Neck Surgery (US)
Some interactive Otitis Media case studies developed by the Univ. of Colorado - American Acad of Pediatrics
A set of Pulmonary Cases - LUMEN, Loyola Univ. (US)
Case studies in Chest Disease Pathology - Univ of California/SF (US)
Case studies in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Univ of N Carolina at Chapel Hill (US)
Pediatric Upper Airway Case Studies [Santer and d'Alessandro] - Virtual Hosp., Iowa (US)
Some Case Studies in Pulmonary, Renal, and Acid-Base Disorders - Tulane Univ. (US)
Case List of Chest Diseases - Korean Society of Thoracic Radiology (KR)
Some Thoracic Radiology Teaching Files [D Dyer] - UCHSC (US)

Gynecology & Obstetrics
A collection of Case-based Modules from Women's Health/Univ of Washington (US)
A collection of Colposcopy Case Studies - ASCCP (US)
Some Case presentations, with questions - Univ of Utah/Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (US)

Case studies from the book Essentials of Clinical Immunology [Chapel et al.]
Case studies in SLE - Lupus Foundation of America

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Archived Grand Rounds from Johns Hopkins/Infectious Diseases (US)
Case Studies in Fungal Infections - Fungal Infections Virtual Grand Rounds
Some Clinical (quiz) presentations and a collection of Microbiology Cases [Duckworth et al.] from Univ. of Florida/Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (US)
Four Clinical Case presentations & discussions [J Heritage] - Univ of Leeds/Microbiology (UK)
Monthly Case Studies in Parasitology - CDC/DPDx (US)
Quiz-of -the-month collection 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , and 2004 - PARA-SITE Online
A set of Infectious disease cases, with images - US Armed Forces IDS
Clinical Cases in Microbiology, Mycology, Virology, ... [Lima and Coico] - Sophie Davis School/City Univ of N.Y. (US)
What's Your Diagnosis? [free registration required] - Infectious Diseases in Children

A collection of Cancer Training Modules (including case studies) - SEER (US)
Some Case Studies in Mammography Analysis - McGill Univ. (CA)
Links to Breast Imaging Case Studies - via Imaginis
Bone Tumors: Case studies - Univ of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey (US)
Case Studies from the Interactive Pathology Laboratory, IPLAB
Testicular and Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumor Case Studies [links] - Testicular Cancer Resource Center

Pathology & Histopathology
An Online Case Database , a case-of-the-month collection in Anatomic Pathology and in Clinical Pathology - Univ of Pittsburgh/Dept. of Pathology (US)
Clinical Pathology Cases presented at the Clinico-Pathological Conference/Johns Hopkins Univ. (US)
Clinical Pathology Cases at Loyola Univ/Dept Pathol (US)
Pathology Case Studies - Univ of Virginia (US)
Case studies -
Pathology Case-of-the-Month collection - Univ of Oklahoma (US)
Case Studies in Pathology [MW Braun] - Indiana University/School of Medicine (US)
What went wrong? - CAP (US)
Cases/Images in Histopathology - SUNY Downstate Med C./Pathology (US)
Some clickable Demo case modules from Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
A Pathology Case of the Month from West Virginia Univ./Pathology
A collection of Pathology Cases-of-the-Week - WebPath, Florida State Univ. (US)
Pathology Case Studies [requires Internet Explorer] - Upstate Medical Univ./Pathol, N.Y. (US)
Case in Surgical Pathology (using diagnostic electron microscopy) - Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Forum Cases in Surgical Pathology and Cytology - TelePathology Consultants (US)
Twenty histological samples for examination - Gateway Community College (US)
Cases in Paleopathology - Virginia Commonwealth Univ. (US)

Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Imaging & Ultrasonography
Cases by Anatomical Area and by Title from Brigham Radiology/Harvard (US)
Clinical Radiology Tutorial Image Sets [Chew and Roberts] - Wake Forest Univ.
Radiology Teaching Files [links ; M D'Alessandro] - Univ of Iowa (US)
Radiology Rounds , a newsletter from the Massachusetts Gen Hosp/Radiology (US)
Body Image Teaching Files/Cases - Univ Hospitals Cleveland/Dept Radiology
CT Teaching Files/Cases [EK Fishman] - CTis us
Clinical Cases in Radiology - CERF, via Univ. de Rennes (FR)
Cases - by diagnosis - Scottish Radiological Society (UK)
Case in Point Archive - American College of Radiology
A Cases of the week archive from RIA/INVISION (US)
Unknown Cases, with Answers , and some Cases for Medical Students - Radiology Museum, S Bank Univ. (UK)
Radiology Cases -
Cases of the Day, 2001 , and 2005 from the American Roentgen Ray Society
Most interesting cases at The Pediatric Radiology Platform (DE)
Clinical Cases from the Boca Radiology Group, FL (US)
Neuroradiology Teaching Files: by diagnosis - Univ of Cincinnati (US)
A Case-of-the-Month Collection from the Hong Kong College of Radiology (HK)
Some Interesting Cases in Radiology - Wayne State University (US)
A collection of Case photos from Creighton Univ./Radiology (US)
Case studies at Imaging for Idiots (UK)
Radiology Teaching File Cases from the Univ of Washington (US)
Musculoskeletal Radiology Cases [collected by D Thronton]
Some Skeletal Radiology Tutorial/Cases (no answers!) [Davenport et al.] - Indiana Univ Med C. (US)
Musculoskeletal (radiographic) Cases - Univ of Miami (US)
An Interesting Case Archive at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Radiology cases [AC Downie] from The Scottish Radiological Society
PET Case of the Month - Franklin Square Hospital Center
Women's Diagnostic Imaging Teaching Files -
Breast Ultrasound Teaching Files (unknown cases + diagnoses) - Univ of Colorado HSC (US)
Radiology cases - USUHS/MedPix (US)
Radiology Grand Rounds [video clips] - SUNY Downstate Medical Center (US)
Clinical Case CT Studies and Digital X-ray Studies - GE Healthcare
Best Cases from AFIP - Radiology Society of North America
Radiology (CME) Cases [subscription access] - RadiologyGraphics, RSNA (US)
Cases in Neuroradiology - (Univ of) Iowa Neuroradiology Library (US)
Some MRI Cases from Medicine Australia
Interesting MRI Cases (shoulder, knee) [J Hunter] - Univ of Washington/Dept of Radiology
Case-of-the-Month Cases in Radiology, and Study Cases in Chest Radiology [Hayashi et al.] - Nagasaki Univ. Hospital (JP)
A set of Links to Radiology Case Collections - Martindale's Health Science Guide
Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine cases - Mallinckrodt Inst of Radiology, Washington Univ.
Nuclear Medicine Mediabook - UCLA/Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging (US)
Nuclear Medicine Cases by Study Type and Diagnosis - Mallinckrodt Inst of Radiology, Washington Univ.

Some Case presentations and moulages (practice scenarios) at Trauma.Org
Discussions around some Cases in Spinal Surgery - GICD
Cases in Neurology/Neurosurgery from Johns Hopkins, via Medscape [free registration required]
Clinical Cases from the CardioThoracic Surgery Network
Case of the Month [incl an archive] - Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consult Corner at TPIS, Transplant Pathology Internet Services
Clinical Tutorials - Surgical-Tutor (UK)
Some Case Studies in Wound Healing - Wound Care Information Network
Clinical Cases in Wound Healing (using Proxiderm) from Progressive Surgical Products, N.Y. (US)

Case presentations in Nephrology - cyber nephrology
Links to Teaching Cases in Urology - Loyola Univ. Health System/Dept of Urology (US)
An Online Case Series from US Nat'l Network of STD.HIV Training Centers, and CDC
Testicular and Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumor Case Studies [links] - Testicular Cancer Resource Center

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Karolinska Institutet University Library, Stockholm, Sweden
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