Hyperactive Children
ADHD test for hyperactive children helps detect the exact cause of hyperactivity and fidgeting. Leaf through this article which provides some tips to calm down hyperactive children. Scroll down to know when and why should parents opt for a ADHD test....
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo
The sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) disorder is associated with ADHD. It however, exhibits different symptoms. Here, we try and understand all about this disorder.
ADHD Test for Children
What is ADHD? Does ADHD test for children help in the diagnosis of this disorder? Go through this article to find out more about this neurological disorder...
Famous People with ADHD
Ever wonder who comes under the list of famous people with ADHD? Here's revealing to you, who suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder...
What Causes ADHD
What causes ADHD? Are you aware of the symptoms of ADHD? Here's some information on causes, symptoms and treatment of ADHD.
ADHD Diet for Children
There are a lot of considerations when it comes to ADHD diet for children. To evade the trouble, here is a detailed synopsis about ADHD diet for children. Read on...
Hyperactivity in Toddlers
Does you child give you a tough time by being extremely overactive? Hyperactivity may be the cause for his fidgety behavior. Check out the signs of hyperactivity in toddlers given in this article.
Behavior Modification Techniques for ADHD
ADHD is a childhood behavior disorder that may continue after adolescence and into adulthood, if not treated properly. With behavior modification techniques for ADHD, parents can help their child recover. The article provides a brief discussion on these behavior modification techniques for ADHD...
Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder amongst children in the US. According to estimates, it affects 3 to 5% of children attending school. It is diagnosed more often in boys as compared to girls.
ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder commonly found in children. Its symptoms are associated with inattention and hyperactivity. ADHD diet is one of the effective treatment options to treat this disorder.
Behaviors of ADHD Kids in the Classroom
A child having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD certainly shows different kind of behavior than the normal child. Let’s study in detail about such children and their behavior…
Attention Deficit Disorder in Children - Child Support Guidelines
Children affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD should be handled with care. Here are few child support guidelines for you…
Causes of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is the condition in which the children are not able to think/concentrate, are hyperactive and can’t sit still. Let’s have a brief look into the causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder…
Help for Parents of ADHD Child
In this article, the detailed steps, especially to help the parents of the ADHD children, right from the process of diagnosis to the methods of overcoming the same, are presented…
FDA Committee Recommends Warnings on ADHD Drugs
Federal science advisors have voted to recommend that serious warning labels be posted on Ritalin and other stimulants used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Do You Have ADHD and Need Help With School Work?
Here's some quick help. 10 studying strategies for the ADHD student.
Assuming All Too Soon Is Not Right Thinking
To Assume that much and without proper basis is bad thinking. This happens with your kids as well.
How Nutrition Affects ADHD In Children
Learn how diet can play a large role in ADHD in children. Also the side effects of some of the drugs out there that treat ADHD in children. Find out how you can begin to treat ADHD with diet and nutrition.
The ADHD Diet
Many sufferers of ADHD are incorporating the ADHD diet and other nutritional and natural remedies to alleviate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This articles examines the most popular ADHD diets.
How To Calm Hyperactive Children
As a doctor who treats ADD/ADHD, and as a mother of a son with ADHD, I understand how challenges of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In my clinical and personal experience I have learned many ways to calm hyperactive children. The key is consistency; give these a try to see which work for your child.
Choosing an Appropriate Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment
A successful beginning for the Attention Deficit Disorder treatment (ADD treatment)
ADHD: The True Causes and a Safe Drug-Free Solution
When you get the correct "why" for something, this opens the door to an effective handling. So it is with ADHD and indeed most or even all "mental illness." Now that we understand what truly causes it, a safe and effective remedy is suddenly in plain view.
ADHD: If It Has Been Exposed as a Bogus "Mental Disorder," Then What is the Real Truth Behind It?
Okay, so we have been conned but more importantly our children have been needlessly harmed. What is now steadily coming to light is the shocking truth that so-called ADHD is safely handled by proper nutrition, not wrecking the child’s brain and nervous system with drugs.
ADHD: Times They are Changing
This is part two of a brief look at safe and effective nutritional remedies for ADHD that render the drugging of children obsolete.
What is ADHD exactly?
We have all been in a situation where you are out shopping and a child ‘Kicks off’ – literally! It is easy to be judgmental and make discrete comments about lack of parenting skills these days, to whoever is standing closest but the reality is that a lot of families are unable to live a "normal" life, where even a simple trip to the supermarket can turn into a "Nightmare on High Street".
What’s So Great About Having ADHD?
If you are like most of us with ADHD, you have no doubt been told about the disadvantages of having it. You’ve endured negative comments and your own fears about handling this temperamental disorder!
The Six Sure Ways to be Successful Parents to ADD Children
Children with ADD present unique parenting challenges. Those challenges are often seen as frustrating by the parent who is trying to get a child to behave or cooperate.
Control ADD-Eat The Right Food
Think about the foods you and your kids eat. Fruit Roll-Ups. Macaroni and cheese. Lucky Charms Cereal. Soft drinks. What do all of these and just about everything we eat have in common? Artificial dyes are in the majority of foods available.
Developments That Have Led To The ADD/ADHD Diagnosis Crisis
The prevalence of the ADD/ADHD diagnosis does not definitely indicate that something is dreadfully wrong with the nation’s children, but rather that something has definitely changed.
Organizing for those with ADD/ADHD
This article discusses the blessings and some challenges that are faced when organizing for those with ADAD/ADD.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Is it a Childhood Disorder?
Have you found yourself having a hard time concentrating on the tasks at hand? Perhaps you find yourself getting restless and starting to get involved in physical exercises or becoming a more outgoing person. If these are things that are happening in your life, then you may actually be dealing with a problem that is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Read more about it here. . .
Adult Deficit Disorder Questionnaire
Since early diagnosis of ADD and ADHD is the best option for proper treatment, this questionnaire gives you a head start in identifying potential problems. While not an exact tool, it can give you a strong indication that you need to seek professional medical advice.
Taking an ADHD Self Test
Since you know your child best, the ADHD self test is a good tool for a preliminary diagnosis, but when you go to have a doctor provide a firm diagnosis, it is essential that you work with a trained individual who can objectively perform and rate the test.
Make Your Job ADD-Friendly
Do you hate your job? Do you intensely dislike the people who work with you? Do you put things off until your boss roars because you've not gotten a project done? Are you just totally and horribly unhappy? If you have adult ADD, this could easily be true...
ADHD and Supplements
The role of diet in ADHD is controversial, and a number of theories such as an association with high sugar intake, have now been disproved. Evidence for the support of Omega 3 fatty acids, and adequate iron intake is now growing – we review the situation.
White Noise - Behavior modification tool
White Noise is not actually "noise" it is a random signal with a flat power spectral. It is a sound frequency or a signal that one hears as a gentle hiss, similar to the sound of wind rustling through trees, a waterfall, radio static or the ocean turf. It is purely a theoretical construct. To use a simple analogy, the color white contains the whole spectrum of colors of light.
ADHD Can Be Diagnosed: Do Not Waste Time
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is quite common among today’s youth and is often times overlooked or passed off as something else. Do not let your child become a victim.
A Special Education Success Story With ADD and ADHD
In our rapidly moving culture, students diagnosed with ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are an ever-increasing challenge for teachers. This is a true story of success in a six-week project where middle school special education children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD enjoyed the same success, if not more than, the other students.
ADD As An Adult - What's It Like?
Attention Deficit Disorder is often difficult to diagnose in adulthood as it sometimes masked by relationship problems, mood disorders, substance abuse, employment issues, or other psychological disorders.
ADD and College Students - How Does It Affect Them?
Unfortunately, Attention Deficit Disorder does not necessarily fade with age. Many people that suffer as a child will continue to suffer as a teen, as well as into adulthood...
How ADD Affects Child Education and Schooling
Educating a child with Attention Deficit Disorder may not be an easy process. Although great strides have been made in recognizing the disorder and many school systems have answered the call, many are ...
What Parents Can Do To Help Children With ADD
Once your child has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, you may feel a bombardment of emotions: guilt, for feeling responsible; relief, for understanding the cause of your child’s behavior; or...
Living With ADD - What To Expect
For a child, teenager, or adult suffering from ADD, a difficult road may lie ahead...
Treating ADD With Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine is a practice which people either live by or laugh at; there does not seem to be any middle ground....
Treating ADD With Behavior Therapy
While medication has long been used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder, Behavioral Therapy has proven to be incredibly effective as ...
Treating ADD With Medication
Medication has long since been the cornerstone for treating Attention Deficit Disorder...
Treating ADD - The Range of Possible Options
Attention Deficit Disorder, a challenge to say the least, may have you ready to pull your hair out...
Hyperactivity vs. ADD - What's The Difference?
A common misconception, when it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder, is that it is one in the same with hyperactivity. However, this is far from the truth. While people with ADD may exhibit signs of hyperactivity, it is not an inherent trait of the disorder and often does not occur with sufferers of ADD.
Treating ADHD the Natural Way
If you have trouble concentrating and/or sitting still, you may have ADHD. For more information about attention deficit disorder, visit the links at the bottom of this article.
Types of ADD Manifestation in Children
Attention Deficit Disorder wears many faces among children. While the hyperactive, rebellious boys are easy to spot, there are also several other types of children that suffer from ADD that go undiagnosed because of their less conspicuous behavior. Girls often fall into this category.
Talking To Your Doctor or Specialist About ADD
Talking to your child’s doctor or specialist about ADD may be very difficult, especially in the beginning stages of diagnosis and treatment of the disorder....
What Causes ADD?
Many of the parents, as well as the children affected by Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), have been left wondering what causes this frustrating and complicated ...
Common Myths About ADD
Attention Deficit Disorder does not actually exist; it is an excuse to allow children to behave poorly and avoid ...
How ADD Affects Families
Typically, there is a lot of blame and frustration associated with Attention Deficit Disorder...
What Is ADD?
Attention Deficit Disorder, commonly referred to as ADD, is sometimes thought to be an epidemic among today’s children...
Is ADD disorder related to Impotence?
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can result in impotence. It's associated with low attention spans and hyperactivity.
Trying To Understand ADHD
Information on ADHD. Including advice, help and links to other advice sites.
Parents Celebrate Success in Children with ADHD through New Scholarship Opportunity
More than $250K available for parents who "see success" in kids' everyday accomplishments. Experts say one of the best ways parents and teachers can foster the development of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and encourage a good start to a new school year is to celebrate their small, everyday achievements.
New ADHD Educational Resource Now Available
Web Site Provides Valuable Information about Recognizing and Managing Common Disorder Affecting Children, Teenagers, and Adults.
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