Black Mold Allergy Symptoms
An allergy to black mold can result in some very discomforting symptoms. Find here, a list of black mold allergy symptoms to look out for, and have treated at the earliest.
Symptoms of Mold Allergy
The severity of symptoms of mold allergy is different in every individual cases which largely depends on the level of exposure to the harmful mold. Read this article to get a brief overview on various mold allergy symptoms.
Allergy Symptoms in Children
Allergy symptoms in children are mostly similar to symptoms of flu. Read on to learn some information on how to recognize allergy symptoms in children.
Allergic Reaction to Sunscreen
Many people out there fall prey to an allergic reaction to sunscreen, which is the most vital product that everyone must possess. Here you'll find out about why this happens, and what chemicals to stay clear from...
Detergent Allergy
You get a detergent allergy when your body reacts adversely to a specific component of the detergent. Gather more relevant information related to this topic from this article.
Grass Allergy
What is grass allergy? What are the causes and symptoms of it? Is it possible to overcome it? Find answers to all these questions and more in this article. Read on...
Grass Allergy Rash
Grass allergy rash is a common occurrence during summer and spring time. Read on to know more about it...
Seasonal Allergy: Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergy symptoms can warn you of a change in the weather even before it begins to manifest! If you're prone to developing allergies every now and then, this article will help you spot the warning signs and take preventive measures...
Mosquito Bite Allergy
Are you a victim of mosquito bite allergy? Then you must read this article to know the symptoms and ways to deal with mosquito bites.
Sulfa Allergy Symptoms
People who are sensitive to sulfonamide drugs manifest sulfa allergy symptoms, after consumption of the said medications. Medical signs that indicate sulfa allergy are skin rashes, respiratory problem, blood reaction, liver damage, kidney problem and anaphylaxis.
Iodine Allergy
A rare occurrence, an actual iodine allergy is a possibility in some cases where people show allergic reactions to iodine. Knowing about symptoms of iodine allergy will help you to become aware of if you're suffering from it. Here, I intend to discuss about the same.
Shortness of Breath and Allergies
Many people suffer from shortness of breath and allergies, and this causes great discomfort to them. Prior knowledge about the subject is helpful, but the truth is that this is something that could affect you at any time, due to the large amount of allergens or particles that enter your system while breathing. Read on, shortness of breath allergies and solutions to them.
Histamine Reaction
Histamine is an organic compound released by the immune system during an allergic reaction. Histamine reaction refers to the allergy symptoms that histamine produces by stimulating the histamine receptors present in the body. This article dwells on the causes, symptoms of histamine reaction and its treatment.
Allergy Symptoms
There are hundreds of allergies in the world and most of the times we aren't even aware of these allergies! In such a situation, knowing about some of the allergy symptoms will help many of us understand allergies better and therefore, we can take steps to treat them. The following article will tell you about some such allergy symptoms.
Water Allergy
Water allergy is perhaps, one of the most annoying skin disorders one may develop in his lifetime. Water being the most essential part of life, if tends to cause allergy, then what could possibly be worse than this?..
Ragweed Allergy
Ragweed allergy is a common medical condition inflicted upon by the genus of flowering plants known as ragweed. Know more about this condition and allergy from this article...
Metal Allergy
What is a metal allergy? What are the symptoms of metal allergies? Scroll down for answers to these questions...
Grass Allergy Symptoms
Grass allergy symptoms are experienced by many, upon contact with grass, or by inhaling grass pollen. What are these symptoms? Find out here.
Chlorine Allergy
Chlorine allergy is not something that is seen very commonly in people. However, there have been cases where people have experienced very severe symptoms of chlorine allergy. Hence, it is important to know what chlorine allergy is exactly. This article will give you information on chlorine allergy, its symptoms, treatment and preventive measures.
Lanolin Allergy
Do you get rashes all over your body which does not go away even after you apply moisturizers and lotions? Be aware, it may be due to lanolin allergy. Read on, to find out more about this condition.
Latex Allergy Symptoms
An allergy to latex or latex allergy can produce a number of mild to severe symptoms. This article mainly discusses the types of latex allergy and latex allergy symptoms, along with a few precautionary measures to avoid this condition.
Hair Dye Allergy
Hair dye allergy can manifest in the form of skin irritation or dermatitis affecting the hairline. A severe allergic reaction may also affect the face and the eyes. To know more about how to treat hair dye allergy, read on…
Allergic Rashes
Allergic rashes can leave you feeling very frustrated. Puffy and irritated skin caused due to an allergic skin rash can appear due to many reasons. Read on to know more about skin allergic rashes.
Allergic Reaction to Penicillin
Skin disorders such as rashes and hives are some of the most common signs of allergic reaction to penicillin. To know more about penicillin allergy read on...
Allergic Reaction Rash
The symptoms of allergic reaction rash can be brought down with numerous home remedies. The following article informs you about some effective home treatments for allergic reaction rash along with some basic information on it.
Cat Allergy Symptoms
There are many people who suffer from allergies and cat allergy is one of them. If you suspect you yourself or someone you know is suffering from cat allergy, the following article on cat allergy symptoms will prove to be useful.
Blisters on Feet
Blisters on feet are a common occurrence in athletes, fitness freaks and people who walk long distances. Blisters can be painful at times and may cause infection if not treated early. The following article will shed light on causes of blisters on feet. Treatments would vary depending upon factors like duration of blisters and the type of skin injury.
Anaphylactic Shock Symptoms
This article on anaphylactic shock symptoms, will brief you on the various aspects of this medical condition, which most people suffer from. To learn in detail about the anaphylactic shock symptoms, read on...
Red Dots on Face
A hard sneeze or excessive coughing are some of the reasons behind occurrence of red dots on face. To know more about causes of red dots on face read on...
Sore Throat Allergies
Allergies are one of the most prominent reasons for sore throat. Find more on sore throat allergies, and symptoms and remedies of sore throat allergies in this article...
Laundry Detergent Allergy
Are you worried because of laundry detergent allergy? This article will tell you the reasons behind the laundry detergent allergy symptoms and how you can avoid laundry detergent allergy.
Healing Blisters
Healing blisters can become a test of patience for a person. There are a number of causes of blisters, hence the method to treat these blisters also differs. Scroll down to know about healing blisters...
Allergic to Mold
Those who are allergic to mold often suffer from runny nose, hives, rashes and breathing problems. Although there are many drugs that could heal the symptoms, prevention is the best option for those who are allergic to mold.
Blisters on Fingers
Blisters on fingers and toes are a common complaint for a large number of people. Generally, most walkers seem to face this problem. However, blisters are not just a result of excessive walking. They may develop on fingers too. Find out what causes blisters on fingers and some treatment options for the same.
Red Dots on Body
Red dots on body are not very common. Mostly, people of more than 40 years of age are the victims. They are caused by basically two reasons, cherry angioma and petechia. The article informs you about them in brief.
Small Red Dots on Skin
Have you got small red dots on skin, but not sure about what they are? Keep reading to know about the different skin disorders which show symptoms of small red dots on skin, and the treatment for these disorders.
How to Heal Blisters
Allergies, diseases, friction, burns and even medication become the cause behind the occurrence of blisters. Know about the different methods on how to heal blisters quickly...
Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics
Having an allergic reaction to antibiotics is becoming quite common, as the use of antibiotics to treat various infections is becoming quite common. This article is an attempt to understand allergic reaction to antibiotics and ways to treat them.
Allergies Vs. Cold
Start of winter is the start of allergies and cold. Since the symptoms of allergies and symptoms of cold are alike, this starts an allergies vs cold debate. Let’s read more on allergies vs cold.
Allergic Reaction to Flu shot
It is recommended that an annual flu shot should be taken to protect oneself from flu. Some people can have allergic reaction to flu shot, although this is a very rare case. These flu shots should be taken by elders, who live in nursing homes, etc. Read more about allergic reaction to flu shot further.
Allergic Reaction to Amoxicillin
Amoxicillin side effects can include both allergic reactions as well as some gastrointestinal problems, fever, headaches, confusion and seizures. The allergic reaction to amoxicillin is more common in individuals who are allergic to penicillin drugs, or have asthma and other allergies. Read on to find out more about allergic reaction to amoxicillin in toddlers and adults.
Allergic Reaction to Mosquito Bites
Allergic reaction to mosquito bites involves reactions that are different from the usual itchy bump after mosquito bite. Read on to know more..
Allergic to Dogs - Symptoms
If you are allergic to dogs, symptoms may include stuffy nose and runny eyes, or skin rashes, or both. This information will help you understand the condition better...
Allergy Symptoms in Babies
Allergy symptoms in babies can either appear immediately or several days after the initial exposure to the specific allergen or food, to which they develop allergy. Though these symptoms are usually mild, occasionally, they can lead to some potentially serious conditions. Read on to know more about the symptoms of allergies in babies.
Dust Allergy Symptoms
Dust allergy symptoms are many, but most of the time, you might not notice the cause of those symptoms. This article deals with the dust allergy symptoms that will help you know if you are suffering form dust allergy problem.
Formaldehyde Allergy Symptoms
Formaldehyde that is widely used in many items that you use daily can be allergic to some people. What are the formaldehyde allergy symptoms? Have a look at this article to know more about it.
Chlorine Allergy Symptoms
Chlorine allergy symptoms occurs in people who are chlorine sensitive. Read on to know about the different symptoms of chlorine allergy and ways to prevent and manage it.
Iodine Allergy Symptoms
Iodine allergy cases are rare; however, you should be aware of iodine allergy symptoms, as it might be life threatening. This article deals with symptoms and signs of iodine allergy and its treatments.
Bee Pollen Dangers
The usual bee pollen dangers include allergies and exposure to certain harmful toxins present in the pollen. Read on to know more about the side effects and the dangers of bee pollen.
Scratchy Throat Allergies
Many of us suffer from scratchy throat allergies on account of the seasonal changes. What are the causes of these allergies? How do we keep ourselves protected from these allergies. Let's find answers to such and many other questions.
Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms
Symptoms of dust mite allergy often vary according to the severity of the allergic problem. Read through the article, for a brief discussion about dust mite allergy symptoms...
How to Cure Allergies
Most of us suffer from allergies of some kind or the other, often we take antihistamines to tackle the problem. Lets read further on how to cure allergies through various methods, rather than just popping antihistamines.
What is Hay Fever
Hay fever is a type of seasonal rhinitis caused due to allergy of substances like pollen, fungi and some plants. Hay fever affects millions of people in the world every year. To know more about hay fever symptoms, hay fever remedy and hay fever treatment, read on...
Fragrance Allergies
Fragrance allergies refer to the allergic reactions produced in some sensitive individuals, by the strong smell of certain products. The frequency of such fragrance allergies is increasing quite rapidly nowadays. To know more about fragrances allergies, read on.
Ragweed Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
About one third of the population in the United States, suffers from seasonal allergies. Ragweed allergy is one of them. It is caused by ragweed pollens and the people who suffer from it, may even develop asthma symptoms. There are some possible precautions, that people can take against these symptoms. Let us take a deeper look into the symptoms and treatment of ragweed allergy.
Latex Allergies
The allergic reactions caused due to the exposure to natural rubber latex, are called latex allergies. Let us find out more about this allergy, which was first identified during the 1970s.
Seasonal Allergies: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Hypersensitive reactions of the body to any allergen, causes an allergy. Allergens can be a wide range of substances, weather conditions, eatables and so on. Read on to know more on seasonal allergies.
Sun Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment
Sun allergies are so common in their occurrence, that most people don't even realize that the rash they have is caused due to excessive exposure to the sun. Read on to know more about its symptoms and treatment.
Pollen Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
Pollen allergy is a common form of seasonal allergy. It is also known as hay fever or rhinitis. Read on to know more...
Sulfa Drugs Allergy
Sulfa drugs allergy is generally caused by a group of drugs known as sulfonamides. Read on to know more about sulfa drugs allergy, its symptoms and treatment.
Mold Allergy Symptoms
Ever had an unexplainable allergy that has made you miserable? It could be spores or mold, that thrive all over our planet. These spores are sometimes even microscopic so there is no avoiding them. Living with mold allergy is difficult, but if you know the symptoms, avoiding triggers could be easy. Here are some things to avoid and some to do.
Allergies - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Allergy is a dreadful condition of failure of our body's immune system, which does not recognize harmless substances. Lets learn something about allergies.
Sick Leave: Being sick on the job
Being sick on the job can be contagious! It exists in every place around you, including offices.... lets see how!
All About Hay Fever
Hay fever is a rather common condition, affecting 2 to 3 million people in Britain every year. Caused by an allergy to pollen or sometimes mould spores, hay fever could get serious if not handled appropriately.
Allergy Symptoms: For Sufferers, Allergies Are A Real Problem
While allergy medications mean big money for drug companies wanting you to be able run freely through a field of dandelions, for sufferers they are a real problem.
Facts You Never Knew About Baby Allergies
Is your baby suffering from allergies? If so, you need to get the facts right. Get the best tips on how to deal with food as well as airborne allergens that can wreck havoc on your baby's immune system!
Home Remedies For Allergies - Build Your Immune System
Home Remedies For Allergies is needed if you suffer from allergies that effect your daily life, it is important to boost your immune system so your body doesn't react to the environment.
Could Vitamin D Help to Overcome Allergies and Asthma?
Not surprisingly, many people around the globe suffer from allergies of some kind or other. A new research has linked Vitamin D with allergies and asthma. Read on and find out how.
Addressing Hair Dye Allergic Reactions
dyeing your hair can be quite dangerous should any serious allergic reactions occur. Find out how to safely your hair without risking any adverse side effects.
Allergists: Who Are They and What Does It Take to Be One?
When faced with allergy symptoms, we should seek professional and expert advices and treatments. Allergists are experts who will know what to do and how to treat us.
Does Where You Live Affect Your Health?
Granting the obvious, air pollution, where you live will help determine how healthy you will be…unless you take steps to overcome it.
About Indoor Pollen Allergy Symptoms
The pollen count is much higher this season than in the past. The article describes the symptoms of a pollen allergy and some tips on dealing with allergies.
Will the "Allergy Test" Determine Whether I Am Allergic to Cats?
Cat allergies and finding out more about allergie testing.
Mold Allergies Found in Foods
Did you know that mold can be found in food? This can cause an allergic reaction!
Health Problems Caused By Mold
Mold will grow easily in homes that are not cleaned properly. Wet clothes or any wet areas like the basement are the breeding ground for it and it can cause some serious health problems.
Why Salicylates May be the Cause of Your Allergies and Skin Problems
Learn all about salicylates, where you find them and how they can end up causing skin problems for some people with sensitive skin.
Allergies? In Winter?
Cold and flu season is here. What may surprise you is that it is still allergy season. This article discusses winter allergies and what you can do about them.
Common Allergies and Symptoms - My Airline Experience
This is a fun and personal story about how common allergies and symptoms can affect even your dream vacation. Be sure to read this before your next airline flight!
Why Hair Dye Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze At
Learn why hair dye allergies can be more serious than you think, and which chemicals in hair dye are more likely to cause problems. Discover new options for natural hair dye for sensitive skin, and how to find hypoallergenic hair dye products.
What Strange Allergy Symptoms Can Teach You
Why are more people developing strange allergy symptoms, and what can you do to prevent or eliminate allergies and skin rashes?
A Sign of the Times: Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, and Other Fall Allergy Symptoms
The autumn season is a beautiful time of year. Unfortunately it also means severe allergies for a lot of the population.
Tips in Managing Cat Allergies
In the United States, half the number of households owns either a cat or a dog as pets. However, it is just a little unfortunate that many people are allergic to cats, which discourages them from owning one, despite their fondness for these loving domestic animals. In fact, there are about 10 million Americans who have shown allergic tendencies to cats.
Are Allergy Drops an Alternative to Allergy Shots?
For persons being treated for allergies, it is sometimes painful to be subjected to weekly shots. Today there are alternatives that allergists are looking into for their patients. These drops are taken at home by the patient and are showing some of the same benefits that are gained by weekly injections, with a lot less pain!
Allergy Symptoms: Ways To Reduce Allergies This Summer
Summer can be an incredibly unbearable time of year for many allergy sufferers. This article provides asthma and allergy sufferers with suggestions on how to minimize allergy symptoms caused by pollen, pet dander and dust mites easily during this summer.
Common Allergies and Their Symptoms and Pathologies
For most of us, allergy can be caused by something like pollen or mold spores. In general, allergic reactions follow one of three pathologies. What you should do to minimize your allergic responses?
Are You Allergic To Your Deodorant?
People use deodorant because they want to escape from odor. They don’t like to smell sweaty to others. They place the deodorant under their arms and when they perspire, there is a much more pleasant odor to behold. But, what happens to the user, if the deodorant is not good for them, what if they have an allergy to their deodorant?
Allergy Sufferers Find Help Through Naturopathic Means
Allergy sufferers are given a number of options for dealing with their asthma and allergy symptoms. This article provides some tips for managing allergy symptoms using homoepathic and other natural remedies.
Common Allergy Symptoms and Treatment Options
Allergies affect a huge percentage of adults and children in the United States. They are considered the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in this country. The symptoms can lead to productivity loss and extended sick time taken from work or school.
Understanding Allergies Is An Important First Step
In the United States, more than 20% of the adults and children are affected by allergies, meaning—millions are affected each year! Allergies, depending on the source of the reaction, can affect people at different times of their lives or at different seasons.
Seasonal Allergies Don’t Have To Put the Summer On Hold, Part One
Summer’s just around the corner! Help your children control and manage their allergies with the proven strategies found here. Includes information on dealing with summertime colds. Part One in a two-part series.
Allergies In Children Can Be Common
Children having allergies is most common. In this century, children are exposed to various things making it most difficult to determine exactly what it is they are allergic to. Many parents may not notice their children are allergic to anything, because they quickly pass it off as a germ picked up at school or daycare, where their child attends.
All About Allergies: How to Understand, Prevent and Treat Them In Your Family, Part Two
Part two of a two-part series describing everything a family needs to know about allergies.
All About Allergies: How to Understand, Prevent and Treat Them In Your Family, Part One
Part one of a two-part series describing everything a family needs to know about allergies.
Allergies During Menopause - can Progesterone Help Relieve them ?
Does menopause bring on allergies that never existed before? Find out what you can do to stay healthy.
Sulfa allergy : Discover the tell tale signs of an Allergy to Sulfa
In this article we take a look at Sulfa Allergy.
Natural Allergy Cures: Discover the Natural Allergy Cures that Work
In this article we take a look at some natural substances that can help to relieve allergy symptoms.
Nutritional Supplements for Allergies
Why some people develop allergies to certain substances and the others do not, is not totally clear. It does seem that certain allergic responses, such as hay fever, have a genetic basis. An excess accumulation of mucus in the body, which attracts and stores the irritant, also contributes to or causes allergic responses. In addition, stress and a generally depressed immune system may contribute to the severity of allergies.
Clinical Ecology of Allergy
The more a person becomes sensitised to an allergenic substance, the more likely he is to develop further allergies as the immune system begins to break down. All allergies, therefore, should be taken seriously by the sufferer with strict avoidance of known allergenic substances being the cardinal rule. This articles covers Clinical Ecology of Allergy.
The Cause of Allergies - A Spiritual Perspective
The problem of allergies is intimately connected with the problem of man's relationship to nature, and its ultimate healing will lie in the alteration of this relationship.
What makes a Wedding Band Cause an Allergic Reaction?
When it comes to men's wedding bands, we nonchalantly think any band will do. But often times, wedding bands and other rings can cause irritation or even an allergic reaction. There are many considerations to weigh when selecting a men's wedding band, but the most important and most overlooked is the type of metal
Information About Allergies
It is not known precisely why some people get allergies, whilst others do not. Studies suggest that there is a hereditary reason for some allergies. It seems sure that the incidence of allergies is on the increase, and that it may have something to do with modern living.
Combating Allergies
When you think of allergy problems, you think of cats, nuts and bee stings. Sure there were people you went to school with who were allergic to everything, but now it seems like everyone around you has an allergy or two. Perhaps it’s the combination of airborne issues in our daily lives including smoke, exhaust, byproducts of chemical and manufacturer production, not to mention all the artificial dyes, fragrances and additives in our food.
Allergy And Deodorant Connection
The connection between allergy and deodorant is like any other. However, your diet and life style can either make your allergies worse or keep them at bay.
Allergies and Dust Mites: Get the facts about Allergen-Impermeable Encasements
Over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies and one of the main allergy triggers is dust mites and other micro toxins that live in mattresses and pillows. This article provides an explanation of the best methods for keeping dust mites out of your bedding.
Annoying Allergy Problems
If you have ever suffered from an allergy problem, then you know that it is not a pleasing thing to go through.
Researching Allergies
This article outlines the effects that making use of allergy products can have on your body and beneficial effects the different supplements can have on your body. There are also an indication of the different types of products that are available from the Allergy Research Group.
You Can Now Control Your Allergies
Allergies are not that difficult to beat, despite what suffers may think.
Scientists Count Cost of Euro Allergy
Swiss scientists reveal just how allergenic euro coins are to those suffering from nickel allergy.
Manage Your Allergies, Keep Your Pet
Americans are crazy about animals, and the number of pets in homes has never been higher.
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